Northern Chautauqua County

Local Waterfront Revitalization Programs (LWRP)

Welcome to the Homepage for the Northern Chautauqua County LWRPs!

Community Surveys for Proposed Projects

Below are brief surveys for each individual LWRP community along Lake Erie. These surveys include questions for a list of projects that are unique to each community. This is a similar exercise to the one carried out at the public meeting on November 14, 2024. 

Please select your own community to provide important feedback on all of these proposed projects!

Pomfret Proposed Projects Survey             

Portland Proposed Projects Survey

Dunkirk, City Proposed Projects Survey  

Dunkirk, Town Proposed Projects Survey             

Hanover Proposed Projects Survey  

Ripley Proposed Projects Survey             

Sheridan Proposed Projects Survey 

Westfield, Town Proposed Projects Survey

Silver Creek Proposed Projects Survey  

Westfield, Village Proposed Projects

Summary from November 14th Public Meeting Coming Soon

Summary from October 17th Public Meeting:

What is an LWRP?

A Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) is a locally prepared land and water use plan for a community’s developed, natural, public, and working waterfronts. It provides a comprehensive framework within which a community’s vision for its waterfront can be formalized. Working in partnership with the Department of State, a community reaches consensus on the future of its waterfront, establishes local policies and outlines the implementation techniques it will use to achieve its vision.

For a complete overview of the LWRP and its components check out the Department of State's website at

Chautauqua County Planning and Development and a Project Advisory Committee (PAC) is working with a consultant team to develop LWRPs for 10 communities along Lake Erie. This process will result in LWRPs for: 

How will this site be used?

The intention of this site is to provide general information on the program and the development of the LWRPs for the 10 communities. This site will be updated as content is drafted and developed. There will be intermittent updates as well as announcements for future public engagement events.



Courtney Domst, Chautauqua County Department of Planning & Development:

(716) 363-3623

Thank you for your participation and input!